Thursday 28 March 2013


Bedah : I just don't know what to do . I think I lose hope , I don't wanna think bout it anymore .
Senah : No , don't feel like that . Don't give up.
Eton : Yup , you must always put an effort for it , Fight for it .
Bedah : I can't take it anymore , its burden me .
Melah : Bedah , you must always pray to ALLAH . He knows the best for us . He had created a story for us , and we must follow it . Don't lose hope , don't ever give up to dhu'a .
Bedah : Astaghfirullah hal azim , I must never give up . I must never lose hope . I must put my faith on Him . O ALLAH , forgive me . Thanks girls for supporting me .

Assalamualaikum . Its been a while , again , since the last entry . Quit busy and force myself not to spend time on blog if I don't finished my 6 pages of essay on silat . Alhamdulillah , its already done and ready to submit . But , there's lots of other assignment I have to do . O ALLAH , may You ease me to finish all this assignment . Its not a burden , but its a duty and amanah for me as a student.

Everyone have their own problem , same with me . I have lots of things to think and sometimes when I feel its burden and stress me out , I just wanna forget bout it . Don't wanna think bout it . I wanna erase it away from my mind . But , I realised . Its like I lose hope and don't wanna to put effort for it . And I realised that I might lose hope . ALLAHu Rabbi , forgive me . I must always pray and begging Him to forgive me and fulfill my dhu'a .

Its really making me nervous right now . Dear akhowat and ikhwan , its never too late to repent . Sometimes we just don't realise the sin we commit and when you think bout it , its really made you felt guilty . So , lets repent from the sins we commit weither we realized it or not .

It just , I really want it but its not the right time for me to get it . Its like , I'm not being patient and fine , I don't wanna think bout it anymore . Just let it be . But dear me , its not the right thing to do . Be patient dear myself , don't ever tired of dhu'a and pray to ALLAH . Maybe there's something that you must recover from yourself , maybe you're not solehah and muslimah enough . Maybe you don't tarbiyah enough your heart dear myself . Maybe you're too think of dunaiwi until you're thinking too litlle of ukhrawi . It must be balanced dear myself .

Dear myself , all I can say to you are , keep on dhu'a , keep on improving yourself , don't give up , be patient , and put your faith towards ALLAH . ALLAH knows the best for you dear myself . Don't erase or forget or tired of thinking bout it , just keep it cool , rest it deep inside your heart and wait for the moment . InshaaALLAH , it'll come (:


Monday 11 March 2013

There's Boundaries Between You and Me

Bedah : Selagi belum nikah , ada jarak antara kita .
Senah : Kemaen Bedah , jiwangnya .
Bedah : Mana ada jiwang lahh , it just the fact . Between a woman and a man , there's a distance so that they'll taking care of their ikhtilat and heart .
Joyah : Betul tu , nowadays , pergaulan bebas sangat . Kalau tak di alam realiti , alam maya pun jadi .
Jemah : Tu lahh , we have to take care of ikhtilat .
Bedah : Nice discussion girls . Omeyy angat !

Assalamualaikum .
Its been a while blogging since too busy with assigment , studies , and programme . Just finished Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Mathematics Department yesterday . Alhamdulillah all went well even though not many students come . It quite sad but what to do , they have their own commitment . Me also didn't go to Mandi Minyak for Silat Gayong because too sleepy . Salute for my friends went there after the programme !

Oke , just straight to the main point here . Ikhtilat . What is ikhtilat ? I also knew this arabic term while tweeting and Kak Nadhirah Hadi I knew from twitter and now my bbm friend , said Ikhtilat is ' batas pergaulan antara laki dan perempuan yang kita kena jaga' . So , as a Muslim , we have to take fully care of our ikhtilat . I'm stressed about this because sometimes we're being to close with ladies or guys while doing an assignment or during a programme for example , we just not to think about ikhtilat . Just having fun working together and sometimes joking with each other and yet didn't realised that we have to behave.

Allah SWT berfirman :
“Katakanlah kepada orang laki-laki yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya & memelihara kemaluannya; yang demikian itu adalah lebih suci bagi mereka, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat. Katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya & kemaluannya.”
(An Nuur : 30-31)

Sabda Nabi Muhamad SAW:
“Jangan sampai pandangan yang satu mengikuti pandangan lainnya. Kamu hanya boleh pandangan yang pertama sahaja manakala pandangan seterusnya tidak dibenarkan hukumnya haram..”
Petikan dari:
(Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud & Tirmidzi.)

It just not for the men but also for women . We have to behave ourselves . While talking , walking , laughing , all this we have to give a good care . It a reminder for me especially because once I'm laughing , I just can't stop and my muslimah style of laughing totally out hahaa

Oke foine , bm pula . Penat speakang ni . Practise sebenarnya sebab kena buat jurnal bi hahaa .

Just a reminder untuk diri sendiri and antum antunna semua . Kadang-kadang kita tak sedar cara kita cakap lagi-lagi yang perempuan bila melunakkan suara akan membuai hati lelaki . Baru bercakap belum nyanyi . ALLAHu , risau kalau yang mencatatnya di kiri walaupun atas urusan yang bukan melibatkan hati . Yang lelaki , bila berkata atau perbuatan terlalu caring ke apa ke akan melembutkan hati perempuan . Kita ni nak jaga hati , dia tercaring lebih . ALLAHu , takut timbul penyakit hati .

So , jaga batas-batas pergaulan . Ingatkan kalau kawan-kawan lupa , apatah lagi diri yang hina ni . Kadang-kadang tak sedar dan terleka . Kekadang cepat je kita ni nak tersenyum , sebab nak nampak mesra dengan orang kan , tersenyum dekat ajnabi . Haih parah tu . Memang susah sebab bila tengah sorang-sorang baru terfikir , bila dah ramai-ramai bukan main sakan lagi . Kalau yang dalam alam maya pun ada juga . Semoga ALLAh menjaga diri ini dan antum antunna semua hendaknya .

Terjaga ikhtilat , terhindar maksiat (: Wallahualam .

# Kenapa entry kena panjang bila dah niat na pendek je hahahaaa