Wednesday 17 April 2013


Just a very fast and furious entry .

I'm typing this while studying for Linear Programming quiz tomorrow and don't know why I'm such a dual-emotion person . Happy for a while , then sober , then have  a joy , then sorrow back . What on earth is happening to me ?

There's lots of things I kept in myself , in my heart in my mind but I just don't know how to express it . Don't know who to share with . Don't know everything .

All I do is always and keep on having my faith to ALLAH . Always be patient , always comfort my own heart .

Dear myself , please don't be like this . Pity me . I have to study , yet my eyes got dust *if you know what I mean*

Keep on praying , keep on zikrullah , keep on salawat . I'm lack of tarbiyah my ownself , that's why I'm being like this *please don't fall down*

Its gonna be raining tonight , dear me , dear my heart , dear my soul .

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