Monday 31 December 2012

Year by year

Jemah : Its end of the year 2012 . Jom pegi tengok bunga api (:
Senah : Bosan , too much people there .
Joyah : Just lepaking at my place oke ta ?
Tipah : Well , its quite a good idea . Bole gosip haha
Melah : I wanna bake a cake . ngee ~
Bedah : Everyone must have a ghost story .
Jemah : No ! Why don't we share what had we achieved this year and what we're going to achieve next year ?
Tipah : What a good idea you have there . Apa jadah semua speaking london ?
Jemah : action kamen sikit haha

Assalamualaikum .
oke another conversation up there , saja suka suki naek ann mood na buat karangan haha

Why karangan ? well lots of things wanna share here so be prepared to read this muahahaha *evil laugh*

Its depend on the readers na read all this nonsense or just skip it . Nampak ann that 'x' up there . Feel free to click on that . Thank you .

Oke , just kidding . Please read this , really wanna share something to all of you *oke pengaruh macek-macek atas memang kuat untuk speakang haha*

Since its nearly and probably when you read this its already end of the year 2012, there must be something yang kita dok kata ' i wanna have that in 2013 , i wanna be this in 2013 , i'm wishing to those in 2013 ' and many more . Its a kind of self motivation . Kalau diri sendiri ta berazam itu berazam ini , how come we're going to put effort to gain it , right ? Right ! Exactly !

Well azam semua orang berbeza-beza , ada yang na be best student , na beli gadjet itu , pegi melancong sana , na kawen *ehh* haha macam-macam sebab azam tu diri sendiri yang na so diri sendiri lahh kena usaha . Ingat bole petik kat pokok ke ? Kalau ta berusaha , just dream it je lahh . Dream semua orang bole , but dapat nya memang tidokk le !

Oke enough intro . Perghh baru intro beb . Tapi macam da lari sikit haha itsoke , kata suka suki hati tadi ann haha

Realise ta perubahan pada diri sendiri ? Tade berubah pun ? Ya ALLAH ruginya kalau rasa diri tu ta pena berubah pun . Yup ! Sangat rugi . Everyday is a day to change towards a better you but you didn't use this opportunity to change . But itsoke lagi , gunakan masa yang ada sekarang ni untuk berubah . Berubah ke arah yang lebih baek , oke ? (: And i mean sekarang !

For me , i'm realised that i have changed a lot . I've changed my appearance , my phone juga *ehh lagi haha* Well paling ketara appearance . Those who knew me since school or matriculation or 1st year degree , they knew it . I myself ta expect na berubah drastik gila macam ni kan . Have blog bagai , then tudung labuh baju besa bagai . Sincerely , I live at a place yang sangat susa na jumpa orang tudung labuh and masa dekat sekolah tengok orang pakai tudung labuh sangat rasa mak ayah dia ada duet lebih kot beli kaen 2meter buat tudung haha sangat ta betol otak berfikir masa tu . Then after i went out from the place i live , memang senang sangat na jumpa orang pakai tudung labuh . Qurratu a'yun (: rasa ta pena na berangan pun pakai tudung labuh bagai but alhamdulillah , ALLAH loves me so ALLAH bagi hidayah kat hamba dia yang hina and keji ni *seriously* untuk berubah towards better me than the past me . Alhamdulillah , even first time pakai baju muslimah , tudung labuh , hand sock and sarung kaki panas peluh peluh bagai but believe me , bila da biasa , rasa not enough dengan tu semua . Peluh tu bila dok bawah matahari memang lahh peluh cik kak oi haha

And for myself , bukan appearence je berubah ea , must perbaiki sifat-sifat pada diri ni . InshaaALLAH , I'm improving my inner part also . Ta cukup kalau luaran berubah tapi dalaman ta berubah . Ta cukup pakej dekat situ . Dekati ALLAH itu sangat sangat sangat and sangat wajib buat kita . Everyday kena sentiasa perbaiki diri kita , lahiriah and rohaniah .

And many things juga lahh I've been through this year . Pahit manis dalam persahabatan , dalam menuju ke dunia yang abadi , ke dunia perkahwinan *lahh sangat* but all that menjadikan diri ni lebih matang untuk face problems or challenges yang mendatang . Tu semua dari ALLAH . But i'll never give up , you also must never give up . Perjalanan hidup masih jauh walaupun we don't know when we'll die . beribadah seperti kita akan mati pada esok hari but live your life like you're going to live forever .

Tahun bukan lahh perkara yang akan mempengaruhi bila kita na berubah , kalau na tunggu tahun kita dok tangguh-tangguh . Ingat senang ke na berubah drastik macam tu sekali , mula-mula well agak susa but after that you'll get used to it . Berubah ni hari-hari my dear akhowat and respected ikhwan sebab kita tak tahu bila ajal kita , bila hari pembalasan . Tu semua kerja ALLAH , we just obey His rule and leave anything He prohibit us from doing it . Mujahadah itu pahit kerana syurga itu manis . and mostly niatkan berubah or berazam untuk redha ALLAH not because its new year so i must have a mission vision all that . No !

Azam setinggi langit pun tapi usaha ciput , ta payah lahh . Mimpi lahh siang hari ke malam hari ke tapi ta berusaha macam minum air dalam gelas yang kosong *falsafah wuuuuu*

So , annyeong 2012 , 2013 eul hwan-yeonghabnida (((:


sHaHrAin said...

congrats cik bori on ur not so new la da new year bru nk wish..i'm very impressed with u, so determined achieving ur also trying to teach myslf to be a better gurl..soaklan cepumas!! marriage???when???hehehehehe

Intan Syafika Anuar said...

hee ~ masheh cik senah *ehh* haha
inshaaALLAH you'll be better muslimah and better servant of ALLAH .
muahaha public kot , tu topik meja makan . hee ~